Date: 12, 19 Time: 7pm~ 11pm-ish
似不像是Sammy上翔及Shang-Han上涵 帶領著的尚未凝結定型完聚的理念, 似而不像, 如形似體, 創作也許貌似渾沌或游離不定, 但追求的是遊走邊緣, 提倡跨界跨領域跨感官合作, 尋找著新媒介, 新想法,新語言,新次元及創作的驚喜
在最好的機緣, 碰上了台灣藝術界以多元化及創新著名的打開-當代藝術工作站的夥伴們, 剛好有個也是開發中, 尚未完成的藝術空間, 在這還在發展中的過程 交織出的這個晚上
一個晚上 一群藝術家, 好朋友, 欣賞者, 跨領域創作者, 寫作家, 行動藝術者, 以非常隨性開放的心情分享藝術,創作以及生活精神和理念
我們將會涉及到實驗電影, 實驗音樂, 視覺/聲音藝術, 新媒體, 現代舞蹈, 裝置藝術, 行動藝術, 文學寫作, 平面攝影等等
我們將以非常隨性,類似60年代Soho或Berlin的 happenings方式共舉...
Sammy Chien (似不像) in associate with Open-Contemporary Art Centre (OCAC) presents,
A night with artists, innovators, creative thinkers and imaginative percepts. It is a happening with a very free formed and interdisciplinary work, idea and performance. it touches on experimental film, video documents of installations, new media dance performances, small sets of live experimental music performance + any other emerging artists and visionaries who would like to exhibit or share any artistic medium, thoughts, discourses or experiences with others.
Program notes 節目單 (preliminary) 陸續增加中...
19:10-19:40 OPENING
"Dreams in an Imaginary Landscape"
Sammy Chien, A-Tai張文泰, Alexander John Ives
Improvised Experimental Music Performance 30min
Shang-Han Chien
Animation 2min
"Intervirtual Emergence"
Sammy Chien
16mm experimental film/expanded cinema 10 min
"Landing, Immanent Particles in the Air, Recollecting..."
Sammy Chien
Soundscape composition/ Sound Art, Stereo audio 10'25''
"Seventh Circle"
Sammy Chien, Score/Sound; Shang-Han Chien (Art Director/Production Design); Jimmy Hsu, Director
Narrative Film/HD
Sammy Chien, Elysia Bourne, Anthony Louis
16mm experimental narrative film 15 min
"Suction" (excerpt)
Sammy Chien, live sound/score, Rayann Gordon director/dancer
Video Documentation of Dance Performance 3~5min
"T2 the Performance"
Sammy & Shang-han, Visual Media; Henry Daniel, Artistic Director
video documentation of new media performance 3~5min
"T2 the Installation"
Sammy & Shang-han, Visual Media; Henry Daniel, Artistic Director
video documentation of media installation 5~8min
+Artist Talk Topic:
Interdisciplinary Collaboration as a Creative Synergy
the Balance of Immediacy & Transformations in Real-Time Art
How Technology Enables Aleatory, Synergy & Synesthesia into the work of digital art.
Q&A / Artist Talk
DJ Set
KbN's Jerry (?)
Live Drawing Transformation: Sammy & Shang-Han
Sunset Rollercoaster's Kevin (?)
現場 display裝置/展示:
〈這不是牙縫, 是缺牙〉8min 行動錄像/大帆Fani
ハ プニングは、1950年代から1970年代前半を中心に、北米・西ヨーロッパ・日本などで展開された、ギャラリーや市街地で行われる非再現的で一回性の強 いパフォーマンスアートや作品展示などを総称するのに用いられる美術用語。ハプニングの創始者と言われているアラン・カプローによると「きまった時間と空 間の中で演じられる点では演劇に関連をもった芸術形式」
A happening is a performance, event or situation meant to be considered as an art. Happenings take place anywhere (from basements to studio lofts and even street alley ways), are often multi-disciplinary, with a nonlinear narrative and the active participation of the audience. Key elements of happenings are planned, but artists sometimes retain room for improvisation. This new media art aspect to happenings eliminates the boundary between the artwork and its viewer. Henceforth, the interactions between the audience and the artwork makes the audience, in a sense, part of the art.
小南門站 1號出口直走延平南路右轉 第二個巷子左轉 (步行約5分鐘)
film, music, new media, sound art, live audiovisuals, performance, movement art, experimentality, spirituality & life
操場 "F*cking Place" the last night
我還是打算放很多8bits / low-bit復古電玩電子實驗音樂
當然 還有很多我愛聽的音樂
This week is perhaps my last week playing at the fucking place. I will be playing lots of Low-Bit / 8-bits , video game orientated electronic & experimental music, and of course, the music that I love. Courtesy to Motokick (aka Aonami) whose a Tokyo based electronic musician, also producer of the independent record label “intikrec”.
please check out:
I will also be playing quite a bit of 60s - 70s classic progressive rock, bands such as Blind Faith, Focus, Queen, Wishbone Ash, Yes, as well as some early 70s Japanese classic rock. These are rare selections.
Thank you Aiko’s father.
Thank you Motokick.
Thank you 鞦韆
Thank you 捧場的朋友們 & 資深又謙虛的操場股東們
我還是打算放很多8bits / low-bit復古電玩電子實驗音樂
當然 還有很多我愛聽的音樂
This week is perhaps my last week playing at the fucking place. I will be playing lots of Low-Bit / 8-bits , video game orientated electronic & experimental music, and of course, the music that I love. Courtesy to Motokick (aka Aonami) whose a Tokyo based electronic musician, also producer of the independent record label “intikrec”.
please check out:
I will also be playing quite a bit of 60s - 70s classic progressive rock, bands such as Blind Faith, Focus, Queen, Wishbone Ash, Yes, as well as some early 70s Japanese classic rock. These are rare selections.
Thank you Aiko’s father.
Thank you Motokick.
Thank you 鞦韆
Thank you 捧場的朋友們 & 資深又謙虛的操場股東們
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